Custom block saving finally available in your email builder

Among the missing features of the Open Source LePatron email builder, there was one that was sorely lacking. One that you regularly asked us for. One that could save you an incredible amount of time when creating your emails. In short, one you're going to love: custom block registration. Also known as [...]
Personalization variables in your email builder LePatron

Personalization in the email channel is an important subject that is all too often neglected. There are a whole host of good reasons not to tackle it: unfamiliarity with the data model, syntax that's difficult to memorize, typing errors that give an impression of non-quality on opening, over-technicality, completeness rate [...].
Quality control, global tracking and export of resources. New release for LePatron

It's been a while since we last gave you news about your favorite email marketing tool. There have been a few transparent updates in the meantime. Mostly bug fixes but no functional advances. It was time for a change! What's new in [...]
LePatron Prêt-à-porter, an email template adapted to the greatest number of people

Since we've been talking about industrializing your email production, we had to do the same with our own products. That's why we questioned our practices, our model, our way of designing and our services. The history of Badsender's email builder Since the beginning of the LePatron application we have been [...]
Email innovations: options and new blocks available in the editor

We haven't communicated about the various new features and innovations of the LePatron email builder for too long now. Not that nothing has happened, on the contrary. We have a few new features that we haven't taken the time to present to you. And even though it's a better time for summer vacations, they're still there.
Why LePatron and how to improve your HTML email production

Industrializing the different steps of email creation with a solution like LePatron is a vast subject. To follow the Live on the backstage of Patron, here is the long version of the interview with the questions that could not be addressed. All without the very unpleasant microphone crackling during the Live (sorry). Everything [...]
LePatron gets a new design

Badsender's email builder, LePatron, goes to v2.0 and gets a new interface design. But not only that! It's been an itchy subject for a while now, like a tag in a pair of new underwear (this is a carefully chosen image to spin the metaphor and make you understand that LePatron actually means "a tag").
Production and quality control checklist

Because many of you ask us what is the optimal organization when creating emails with LePatron. How to have a quality control of its emails designed with the builder and which points to check step by step to have a production control and guarantee the quality of its creations. For you, here is the ultimate [...]
Unwanted line break bug with Chrome and Edge

Since the latest updates to browsers using the Chromium rendering engine a nasty bug has appeared in our email builder. We are well aware of the problem and the inconvenience it causes in your email production. We have been able to identify the context precisely enough to reproduce the bug and thus be able to fix it [...]
For Halloween LePatron puts custom colors in your email templates

Yes, another new version for your favorite email builder LePatron. This time it's a small update but with a feature that should fill you all! New colorful features 🎃 Custom color swatch This feature you have been asking us for and so far [...]