Badsender's email builder, LePatron, goes to v2.0 and gets a new interface design. But not only that!
It's been a while now that the subject has been itching for us, like a tag in a pair of new underwear (this is an image carefully chosen to make it stick). wool the metaphor and make you understand that LePatron is indeed a sewing pattern).
If you have already been to the your favorite email builder : LePatron, you already know that it has been updated last September with a new visual identity distinct from that ofBadsender email agency.
However, for the end of 2021, we had focused our efforts on deliveries of new features for the email builder. We had never taken the time to apply the graphic redesign to the design of the application itself. Well now it's done and it's a party!
LePatron new spring/summer 2022 collection

Oh! What happened?
Yes, yes, this is theemail marketing creation tool LePatron. The email builder published by Badsender agency since 2016. It's labeled on it as...
Since all this time it became necessary to make a little tidying up, cleaning, even a total relooking.
That is why the main novelty is so visible. It is a total graphic redesign of the application in order to proudly wear the colors of the visual identity of Patron. You may or may not have guessed it, but we couldn't settle for a simple layer of makeup and a few decorative accessories.
This update is also accompanied by an important change in performance and access to different data. So your email listings should load faster between each workspace or directory change.
Do you want to see what's behind this new version?
Please note that we distinguish between two environments: the backoffice in which all your precious emails are stored and the builder with which you create and modify your emails without coding.
Backoffice side:
- new design and application of the new visual identity
- improved loading times on email listings
- UX redesign of the pagination on email listings
- UI redesign of the workspace and directory sidebar
- UX redesign of the directory creation functionality (at the directory level)
- correction of the batch tool with multiple selection of emails
- UI improvement of the search tool in an email listing
- for all users, adding an entry point to the support and creation of a FAQ
- for group administrators :
- the access to the settings has been moved so that it is no longer mixed with the current production
- the different options and parameters have been harmonized at the UI level
Builder side:
- application of the new graphic charter
- UI redesign of the action bar with focus on main features
- parameterization (blocks, contents, styles)
- backup
- case sensitive email name
- Removal of zigzag borders in the preview area because it makes Jon happy and not just 😉
- no functional change for the moment...
This may be a detail for you...
But for us... It's a lot of work, energy, lines of code, manipulated files, tests, bugs, coffee, stress and glitter in the eyes!
With this new solid foundation, we can now refocus on the product backlog and the 2022 roadmap with future releases that take into account your user feedback.
It will be the improvement of existing features (how? You forget to save your creations?) as well as the creation of new ones (quality control here we are!).
In short. We still have a lot to do and we hope to satisfy you even more.
As always, we remain available and attentive to your needs
If you encounter any bugs after this new release.
If you have any comments or suggestions that could improve the application.
If you just want to send us your encouragement and congratulations.
So don't hesitate to write to us at : 🥳