Our clients testify

What is the typical implementation process for a new LePatron customer?
Le Patron is an email production industrialization solution. Its objective is to accelerate the production of messages by using custom templates.
When we start a project with a client, the first step is to organize a workshop. During this workshop, we present the best practices of email usability, we analyze the performance of the last campaigns and we look at the last 20 campaigns sent out.
The objective is to divide these last campaigns into blocks and to classify them in order to see which are the most important and especially if any are missing.
Once these blocks are defined, we will look at each block which elements should be modifiable, and what are the options put in the hands of the users.
This is important because in some cases we will have: users who have little knowledge of email, such as product managers, and in other cases we will have designers or programmers.
Once we have defined all these options, we can start the design and integration work to make the model available in the solution.

Our different partnership models.

Referral mode
In this case, you give us the interested prospects and you get a commission if we sign a contract with him.
You carry out the entire sales process on the basis of a pre-defined price list between you and us.
Whitelabel hosted by LePatron
Whitelabel hosted by our partners
In this case, you don't need us. You can rely on the OpenSource version of LePatron and ask us for advice on hosting or template creation.
Integrated into your marketing suite
You use LePatron's source code and integrate it into your own solution.
Take it to the next level
with LePatron
LePatron, a tool made by Badsender